Friday, April 5, 2013

March Favorites 2013!! :)

Hey Guys!!

So I decided that I'm going to start doing monthly favorites on this blog because I need to blog more, so I am going to say my favorite restaurant, place, thing to do, etc. etc. OH and I'm going to be putting my South Africa fave and my Rhode Island fave for each one, so there'll be two!

OK here we go!!



  Rhode Island: Ichigo Ichi- I don't know how to spell it but its the best sushi restaurant EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THiS PLANET!!!!!!!!!!! South Africa: Col Cacchio's Pizza- Once again, can't spell it, but its a really great pizza place and we usually end up going there like 3 times a week because its so good :D

Thing to do: 

  Rhode Island: Hang out with friends, draw, dance :D South Africa: SWIM SWIM SWIM!!!!! (I'm a fish LOL) I wanted to make the Herzlia swimming team with some of my friends, but alas, I didn't, some of the people here are GREAT swimmers. I did swimming every Tuesday last term, and every week me and my friend Gav would race and he would beat me EVERY TIME!!!!!! But he is like supernaturally fast, it's actually quite scary :) 


Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia, Autumn Leaves & The a Team both by Ed Sheeran, Same Mistakes by One Direction, Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars, and Want U Back & With Ur Love both by Cher Lloyd


Take Me Home by One Direction 


Band: ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Singer: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran or Cher Lloyd


Rhode Island: My house or Peyton or Olivia's houses :D  South Africa: Beach, pool


Swimming, Field Hockey, Surfing

Hope you liked this and comment below telling me if you want more of these blogs! And guys please please comment if you can, just saying anything :)


Leah <3

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