Thursday, February 28, 2013

Its Been A Month!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys!! 

So, I HAVEN'T BLOGGED FOR ALMOST A WHOLE MONTH!!!! I just realized that and then I got really sad so I decided to do this blog!! Yea!! Oh and before I start you guys should look out for another blog on Sunday because I am going to a bat mitzvah on Saturday, so I'll write about that. So whats been going on in South Africa?? Well, last Friday we celebrated Purim at my school. Purim is a really cool Jewish holiday and its really fun to celebrate because we can dress up and the 6th Graders do these things that are like stalls, so each stall has one or two activities that you can do. My stall was with two of my friends, Anoushka and Yetta, who I showed in my last blog. The two activities we had were Pin the Hat on Haman, which was like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, only with Haman because he is part of the Purim story. The other activity we had was a raffle to guess how many Smarties were in the jar, and the winner got to take home all the Smarties. The cutest first grader EVER won the Smarties, and he came up to me the next day and said, "I already ate ALL the Smarties!!" HE IS SO CUTE!!!!! Sorry I can't say more, I have to go now to get ready for dance!! 



PS Remember to come back on Sunday and I'll have a new blog up for you then :)

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