So, right now it is 3:42pm and I have just gotten home from my last day of school here!! It was really awesome.. The people in my school are SO nice... they had a surprise party for me!!!! :) And they all made cards saying they'll miss me and they hope I have a safe trip back to America... It was really nice!! So here are some of the cards:
So this is the envelope that the cards came in
These two are from the same card.... she also gave me a necklace which has a green heart on it and its super cute :)

That is going to be it for now, don't forget to comment (if you can!) which card was your fave!! I miss you all so so so much and love you guys tons, BYE! <3
Leah <3
well there was supposed to be a title "Last Day of School in South Africa!!" But for some reason that didn't show up :/ whatevs haha