Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rock Dassies + Pretty Houses!!

Hey Guys!!

 Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. I've been meaning to get this post up but kept forgetting, so now, FINALLY, here it is!

Sometime last weekend, my dad and I went out for a walk just about 10 minutes down the road from our house... we saw rock dassies, which are adorable little animals that kind of look like guinea pigs (well at least to me they do, I don't know what other people think they look like!) but, actually, the rock dassies' closest living relative is the elephant!!! You wouldn't think it is true but it is!! Also on our walk, I took pictures of some SUPER PRETTY (well, I think they are pretty!) houses along that street: 

Here are some dassies:

    And here are the pretty houses!

That is going to be it for today... I love you all SO SO MUCH and I miss you TONS,



Leah <3

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